Thanks to The Cutest Blog on The Block I now have a slightly new look. I think it's adorable!
Tonight the hubs, the R's, and I are headed out to the movies, Dinner with Schmucks anyone? :) I'll make sure to let you all know how it is! Inception was incredible so hopefully I'll get 2 good movie nights this week! I'm rather spoiled it's true. hehe.
Today was a painful day at the Commisary, however. $270 later I decided my husband, the enabler, is never ever allowed to shop with me again. haha. Oh well, at least we have lots of good food!!
Hope you all enjoy your weekend, I'm going to do my best!!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Head in the Game...Heart in the Sand!
So, Mel from Head in the Game...Heart in the Sand is doing a giveaway! It only runs till 23:59 tonight so jump over there and become a friend!!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
This weekend, the hubs, myself and another married couple played Taboo. This was the clue and guess exchange between Mrs. R's husband and mine. haha. Needless to say Mrs. R and I won. :)
We love to play board games as a foursome. And the husbands like to make Mrs. R and I happy so they play along. haha. Taboo has become a quick favorite. For those who haven't played it, it's a simple game. You have a card with a word at the top that you are trying to get your partner to guess. Below it there are 5 more words that you cannot say while giving your clue. Easy to explain, hard to do!
This is much like life I suppose. Taboo. There are things we don't talk about. Things we don't do. Things that aren't appropriate. And then there are things that we want to talk about, things we want to bring up with our friends or family that we just can't. When is it appropriate? When are you allowed to look at a friend and say "Don't do that, it's a bad decision!!" And how do you keep from looking hypocritical? But sometimes I guess you just can't help people. You have to let them fall on their own. Just as we ourselves had to fall down, too.
I leave you with a peek into Mrs. R and my clue system. The secret to our success.
We wear these everyday.
What Mrs. S has to do now to move around. (She's pregnant)
What your brand new phone is.
hehe. :) The husbands sit in awe every time. :)
This weekend, the hubs, myself and another married couple played Taboo. This was the clue and guess exchange between Mrs. R's husband and mine. haha. Needless to say Mrs. R and I won. :)
We love to play board games as a foursome. And the husbands like to make Mrs. R and I happy so they play along. haha. Taboo has become a quick favorite. For those who haven't played it, it's a simple game. You have a card with a word at the top that you are trying to get your partner to guess. Below it there are 5 more words that you cannot say while giving your clue. Easy to explain, hard to do!
This is much like life I suppose. Taboo. There are things we don't talk about. Things we don't do. Things that aren't appropriate. And then there are things that we want to talk about, things we want to bring up with our friends or family that we just can't. When is it appropriate? When are you allowed to look at a friend and say "Don't do that, it's a bad decision!!" And how do you keep from looking hypocritical? But sometimes I guess you just can't help people. You have to let them fall on their own. Just as we ourselves had to fall down, too.
I leave you with a peek into Mrs. R and my clue system. The secret to our success.
We wear these everyday.
What Mrs. S has to do now to move around. (She's pregnant)
What your brand new phone is.
hehe. :) The husbands sit in awe every time. :)
Monday, July 19, 2010
the sun is shining on a brand new day.
So it's been really rainy and overcast the past few days, but the sun came out today and it felt niiiiiiice. :)
I'm so excited because today was the day I got back my BEAUTIFULLY framed diploma. It's already hanging in my office. Even if I'm currently unemployed, it's so nice to have. And beautiful. I love the orange and "buff" matting.
Disregard the terrible cell phone picture and my maiden name! haha. Also, I spent some time hanging some more pictures I've had lying around in new frames in the house. Also, BEAUTIFUL. :)
In other news, I took a big leap of faith. And it totally paid off. I let my husband dye my hair. Scary, I know, but it turned out great, I'm really proud of him. :) In addition to cleaning all the bathrooms and doing the laundry, it's been a great day. :) Kinda laid back, I love it. Now, off to cook my hunny some dinner!!! :)
I'm so excited because today was the day I got back my BEAUTIFULLY framed diploma. It's already hanging in my office. Even if I'm currently unemployed, it's so nice to have. And beautiful. I love the orange and "buff" matting.
In other news, I took a big leap of faith. And it totally paid off. I let my husband dye my hair. Scary, I know, but it turned out great, I'm really proud of him. :) In addition to cleaning all the bathrooms and doing the laundry, it's been a great day. :) Kinda laid back, I love it. Now, off to cook my hunny some dinner!!! :)
The sun is shining on a brand new day!
So it's been really rainy and overcast the past few days, but the sun came out today and it felt niiiiiiice. :)
I'm so excited because today was the day I got back my BEAUTIFULLY framed diploma. It's already hanging in my office. Even if I'm currently unemployed, it's so nice to have. And beautiful. I love the orange and "buff" matting.
I'm so excited because today was the day I got back my BEAUTIFULLY framed diploma. It's already hanging in my office. Even if I'm currently unemployed, it's so nice to have. And beautiful. I love the orange and "buff" matting.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Love, marriage, etc.
So, something has been weighing on my mind recently. I've hesitated to write this post because it is certainly not my goal to point anyone out or to insult anyone or even to add pain to someone's situation. But, at the end of my deliberation, or at least this point where I am giving up deliberating, I've decided to write it anyway.
I've never claimed to be perfect, and I do not claim that now. I do not claim to be an expert on relationships or marriage as my husband and I learn something new each day. But there are some things I've been told my entire life and some things I've witnessed and I'd like to share this information with others in the hopes that perhaps it'll help save someone down the road.
A relationship is like a child. You cherish that relationship, you have to be actively involved in that relationship, you have to protect that relationship, respect it, and if God-forbid it ends, you will mourn it as a loss. As such, why would you jepordize that relationship? If it is so very valuable would you not do everything in your power to preserve it?
I have learned something from marriage. That is to be careful of who you friend. There is safe zones, iffy zones, and danger zones. Ex: Safe zone--Your girlfriend who lives down the street. Iffy Zone-- Male co-workers. Danger Zone-- The single guy you went to high school with who has always had a crush on you. Or your friend's husband.
I say all of this because I ask you, is that friendship with your friend's husband that valuable? Do you desire his facebook comments above your husband's kisses? Do you crave that next text message from your high school friend more than you crave to hear I Do fall from your fiance's lips?
To save yourself from mourning the loss of that relationship, that child you have created, just ask yourself is a moment of gratification worth even a minute of unhappiness, a minute without the one who makes your heart skip a beat? Just food for thought.
I'm sorry for the soap box. I have just been living my most recent days watching dear friend's marriages, and relationships, fall apart. I see the pain they experience and it breaks my heart. Protect your relationships. Protect them as you would your child.
I've never claimed to be perfect, and I do not claim that now. I do not claim to be an expert on relationships or marriage as my husband and I learn something new each day. But there are some things I've been told my entire life and some things I've witnessed and I'd like to share this information with others in the hopes that perhaps it'll help save someone down the road.
A relationship is like a child. You cherish that relationship, you have to be actively involved in that relationship, you have to protect that relationship, respect it, and if God-forbid it ends, you will mourn it as a loss. As such, why would you jepordize that relationship? If it is so very valuable would you not do everything in your power to preserve it?
I have learned something from marriage. That is to be careful of who you friend. There is safe zones, iffy zones, and danger zones. Ex: Safe zone--Your girlfriend who lives down the street. Iffy Zone-- Male co-workers. Danger Zone-- The single guy you went to high school with who has always had a crush on you. Or your friend's husband.
I say all of this because I ask you, is that friendship with your friend's husband that valuable? Do you desire his facebook comments above your husband's kisses? Do you crave that next text message from your high school friend more than you crave to hear I Do fall from your fiance's lips?
To save yourself from mourning the loss of that relationship, that child you have created, just ask yourself is a moment of gratification worth even a minute of unhappiness, a minute without the one who makes your heart skip a beat? Just food for thought.
I'm sorry for the soap box. I have just been living my most recent days watching dear friend's marriages, and relationships, fall apart. I see the pain they experience and it breaks my heart. Protect your relationships. Protect them as you would your child.
Monday, July 12, 2010
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Ok, so not really. But we have gotten several packages this week and mail is always like Christmas to us. :)
First, we ordered some medicine for Gracie and it came. From Australia!! lol. Second, my darling husband, who would lose his head if it wasn't attached, lost the battery charger to his camera. And as he unintentionally broke my camera, I needed that charger. So I got online and found one through EBay. It's really cool. Plugs into the wall AND a cigarette lighter in the car! Only $7 too. :) It came.
Then, today a BIG package came from B's mom. She is so cute. She sent B some clothes which were very nice, and an Orange hoodie for me. With a note, "I spy something orange so it must be for Heather" :) :) I love UT and she knows my ability to spy orange anywhere. She also sent us more crystal to match our set. And so cute, school supplies for B. Ooohhhh---and FLIP FLOPS for B. You can't imagine what a blessing those are. He and I have been in every store on this island looking for the "right" ones. And she mailed them. I could have kissed them to not hear him whine. haha. jk. I'm just tickled to death.
In other news, the hubs took me to the beach yesterday. I've been missing it lately. But sadly, he got fried. :( He hasn't been this burned in awhile, poor hubby.
Lastly, as I'm sure this post is boring, haha, please keep our best friends the R's. Mr. R. had surgery and it's a slow recovery and Mrs. R. is hanging in there. :)
First, we ordered some medicine for Gracie and it came. From Australia!! lol. Second, my darling husband, who would lose his head if it wasn't attached, lost the battery charger to his camera. And as he unintentionally broke my camera, I needed that charger. So I got online and found one through EBay. It's really cool. Plugs into the wall AND a cigarette lighter in the car! Only $7 too. :) It came.
Then, today a BIG package came from B's mom. She is so cute. She sent B some clothes which were very nice, and an Orange hoodie for me. With a note, "I spy something orange so it must be for Heather" :) :) I love UT and she knows my ability to spy orange anywhere. She also sent us more crystal to match our set. And so cute, school supplies for B. Ooohhhh---and FLIP FLOPS for B. You can't imagine what a blessing those are. He and I have been in every store on this island looking for the "right" ones. And she mailed them. I could have kissed them to not hear him whine. haha. jk. I'm just tickled to death.
In other news, the hubs took me to the beach yesterday. I've been missing it lately. But sadly, he got fried. :( He hasn't been this burned in awhile, poor hubby.
Lastly, as I'm sure this post is boring, haha, please keep our best friends the R's. Mr. R. had surgery and it's a slow recovery and Mrs. R. is hanging in there. :)
Friday, July 9, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
She lit up the sky that Fourth of July
I know it's a day early, but Happy Independence Day!! Today was an easy one with pedicures with Mrs. R. and shopping at the mall with the hubs/Mrs. R. and then reading a book! :) Nice and relaxed Saturday. I even slept in til 7:45!!!
Tomorrow in honor of the Fourth, B and I are going to Pearl Harbor to spend some time with history and heroes. We think it's only fitting before we seek out some fireworks! Most people I know love this time of year, myself included. Picnics, barbeques, warm summer nights, and bright sunny mornings. Sounds fun just blogging about it!!
So I'm keeping this short because it's the holiday weekend. I'll just leave you with a big Red, White, and Blue Thank you to all those who have served, are serving, or will serve for my freedom. (This includes those of us in what is considered the Silent Ranks serving in our own spouse supporting way.)

Tomorrow in honor of the Fourth, B and I are going to Pearl Harbor to spend some time with history and heroes. We think it's only fitting before we seek out some fireworks! Most people I know love this time of year, myself included. Picnics, barbeques, warm summer nights, and bright sunny mornings. Sounds fun just blogging about it!!
So I'm keeping this short because it's the holiday weekend. I'll just leave you with a big Red, White, and Blue Thank you to all those who have served, are serving, or will serve for my freedom. (This includes those of us in what is considered the Silent Ranks serving in our own spouse supporting way.)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
I'm all ears!
So, some of you may be aware that my husband is on light duty due to some ear problems. Long story short, there was an incident in Afghanistan last year involving his head, that started pain and bleeding from his eardrum. He already has some hearing impairment and just received hearing aids (complements of the USMC, both the injury and the aids). So now we're just trying to determine what all is wrong with him and how to fix it.
Yesterday was visit like 200 with Audiology. We've seen ENT, we've had MRI's, we've been to Audiology, we've been to dental (yes these two are connected), we're scheduled for Neurology and much more! I won't lie and say the possibilities aren't frightening. Best case senario vs. worst case senario aren't that far apart.
Sometimes it's just a little overwhelming when we consider the future, where we'll go, what we'll do, etc. So I try to focus on the now. And as of now, we still have no idea what is going on. Today is a worry day for me. But I intend to start cleaning soon so hopefully I can get that out of my system!!
Yesterday was visit like 200 with Audiology. We've seen ENT, we've had MRI's, we've been to Audiology, we've been to dental (yes these two are connected), we're scheduled for Neurology and much more! I won't lie and say the possibilities aren't frightening. Best case senario vs. worst case senario aren't that far apart.
Sometimes it's just a little overwhelming when we consider the future, where we'll go, what we'll do, etc. So I try to focus on the now. And as of now, we still have no idea what is going on. Today is a worry day for me. But I intend to start cleaning soon so hopefully I can get that out of my system!!
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